Freeway Music — Columbia, SC’s Premier Music School

5 Ways to Help You Find the Right Gift for a Musician

Chances are if you are reading this blog you have a loved one that is a musician, music student, or music lover. Also, chances are, you may not have the slightest clue about what to buy them. So, Let’s dive in and give you some helpful hints to find the perfect gift for that musician that you love so much.


I think musicians ALWAYS need accessories. They are also not a major commitment such as buying a guitar amp, etc. So, it’s a safe bet. Here are some accessory ideas for each of the most popular instruments:

Guitarcables, strings, clip-on tuners, capos, straps, a slide, an ebow, string winder tool, picks, microfiber cloth, humidifier, pick holder, guitar wall mount

Drumssticks, stick bag, drum key, drum heads, practice pad, brushes, hot rods, stick holder, earplugs, no nut cymbal sleeves

Singersmic, mic stands, throat spray, mic cable, PA, vocal effects units, music stand, iPad stand

Piano/Keyboard – bench, stool, stand, dust cover, case, clip-on light, memory cards, music stand

Concert Tickets

Nothing is more inspiring for a musician than to see one of their favorite musicians playing live. If you are purchasing a gift for your loved one, you probably know their musical tastes and their favorite musicians and artists. Tickets to see their favorite artist play is a slam dunk. I can’t think of a time where someone purchased me tickets to see one of my favorite artists play, that I wasn’t ecstatic. 


So, maybe you have a husband playing around on the guitar or a young one teaching themselves piano on YouTube. We are certainly biased here at Freeway Music, but nothing can really replace the value of in-person lessons. Spending time with an instructor one-on-one ensures personal attention, It allows for the learning experience to meet the students where they are and be customized to their learning style and preferences. Private lessons give students weekly accountability, encouragement, and inspiration. There are also numerous performance opportunities that allow students to apply what they learn. Now gift certificates are easily purchased and downloaded online. So, this makes for a great gift or stocking stuffer. Some people may be reluctant to take lessons on their own and they just need a nudge. So…nudge em with a gift certificate for private lessons! 🙂

Gift Cards

Often Gift Cards get a bad rap, but personally I love a good gift card, as long as it is to a store or service I actually use. For example, I shop at Sims Music quite often, but someone bought me a Guitar Center gift card. I did not end up using it, cause I barely set foot in there (shameless plug for supporting your locally owned music stores). Obviously, the con of a gift card is that it can be impersonal. So, unless it is a significant other, I say go for it. 

Do Not

Let’s talk first about the big DO NOT. DO NOT try to buy instruments, equipment, or gear for your loved ones without proper intel. You must enlist your inner Sherlock and snoop around a bit. You are better off straight up asking then guessing. If you do decide to roll the dice and guess, go ahead and come to terms with the possibility of an exchange. As a matter of fact, go ahead and preempt the gifted party that exchanging it for something they definitely want is encouraged. Now, this rule, of course, goes out the window for younger and inexperienced musicians. In those cases, research good beginner guitars, etc on the internet. There is a plethora of good information out there.

This certainly isn’t an exhaustive list of everything you can buy, but I certainly feel like it will help you guys move in the right direction. Good luck purchasing a gift for your musical loved one this holiday and Happy Holidays! 🙂

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