Freeway Music — Columbia, SC’s Premier Music School

A Look Back at 2018 and Forward to 19

Last week on we posted our Best of 2018 lists, compiling both South Carolina’s Top 10 albums and EPs. Like it is every year, it’s a difficult decision narrowing down the lists to just choose 20 total releases. With the help of Jordan Lawrence at the Free Times, there’s a spreadsheet floating around again this year with over 200 South Carolina releases. It includes everything, from small independent digital releases on Bandcamp, to say…The Marcus King Band who is one of South Carolina’s biggest bands right now.

If you’re looking for new music to listen to in 2019, I challenge you to look local. And if you already are a lover of local music, then the challenge is to dig deeper and help share albums you find and love. Having watched bands grow over the years, one of the most common factors in their success has been dedicated local fans. It’s this energy that is contagious and spreads from city to city, and before you know it your favorite local band is selling out shows.

It’s important to remember as a local music fan how important you are, and how vital you are to the local music scene. I don’t think it gets said enough, but the crowd is the lifeblood of everything. So in 2019, remember how important you are as a local music fan, and supporter of the arts and share that love with your friends and everyone around you.

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