Freeway Music — Columbia, SC’s Premier Music School

Best SC Music of 2016 (According to Free Times)

Free Times Best of 2016

Oh end of the year lists. They start coming out in early December now. Sometimes even late November for those publications who try to beat, or set the trend. On a local level here in South Carolina there are only a few publications who attempt to rank all the South Carolina music of 2016. I put extra credence on Free Times list. Why is that you might ask? Well, it’s because of their methodology. They reach out to people who are active in our music scene. Writers, show goers, and the like, all participate and rank their top 5-15 albums. Those votes are tallied and there it is. A collective top 25 of music from all across the state, and now artist beyond with close South Carolina ties.

What jumped out to me most after my first browsing of the list, was just how much youth dominated the list. The top four albums all feature members old enough to have recently graduated college, or high school, or are in high school for that matter, but it just goes to show our budding scene.

The list this year is does feature a handful of artists who have moved out of state, but keep close ties to South Carolina. Aritsts like All Get Out (#5), Grace Joyner (#3), Glass (#2), Young Mister (#7), We Roll Like Madmen (#8), all have chosen for one reason or another to move away. But I think it says more about South Carolina, and those artist in-particular who hold their home state bond close to heart, and still do call South Carolina home, even if they live in Athens, Atlanta, Asheville, or Dallas. In the recording of each of those records there were plenty of South Carolina people involved, and most of them were recorded in state.

Here’s to looking forward to next year, and hoping that even more great young talent emerges.

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