Freeway Music — Columbia, SC’s Premier Music School


Open Mic Night with Emmalyn G!

Doko Station Pub & Eatery 11 Samuel Bookhart Ln. Suite A, Blythewood, SC, United States

Join the talented Emmalyn Gilbreth for a monthly open mic night at Doko Station Pub & Eatery!  All Freeway students are welcome to come and sit in, or come and just listen! 


REHEARSALS for Colors Super Showcase

Freeway Music Northeast 11 Samuel Bookhart Lane, Blythewood, SC, United States

Rehearsals for the May 21st, 2023 Freeway Music Northeast COLORS Showcase will be Saturday, May 13th, 2023.

FWNE Colors Super Showcase

Palmetto Citizens Amphitheater , United States

The Freeway Music Northeast Colors Showcase is Sunday May 21st from 1:00-6:00 PM at Doko Meadows Park Amphitheater.


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