Freeway Music — Columbia, SC’s Premier Music School

SceneSC Celebrates 9 Years in a Vacation State of Mind

It’s hard to believe it’s already been 9 years. On July 1 SceneSC.com started into our 10th year of existence, and to celebrate we teamed up with one of our favorite coffee spots Indah Coffee to throw a birthday bash with Vacation State, Riot Stares, Alarm Drum, and Out of Body. There will be plenty more though, like a tie dye station, along with a photo booth to capture some memories.

Vacation State is a new Columbia hard rock band who harken back to early nineties acts like Alice in Chains and Soundgarden with their debut single “Space Queen” from their upcoming EP “Tree”. Featuring three members of Ivadell, Vacation State takes on some of the qualities of that band with thick melodic guitar riffs and pounding drums. Vacation State is notably different though, featuring two drummers and vocalist Hamp Dodd’s Layne Staley esque slow dragging vocals. Joining the bill is Charleston’s Riot Stares, Columbia’s Alarm Drum, and touring act Out of Body. We caught Riot Stares just 2 weeks ago in Charleston at the annual Summer Shindig where they performed along with an eclectic lineup of local and regional bands. They were the heaviest act and most intense acts of the day, what you’d expect from a band made up of hardcore scene veterans.

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