Freeway Music and The Township
FREE TICKETS! Yep… You read that right. We are very grateful for our relationship with the Township, and the folks that run that venue. The Township Auditorium is a 2500-3500 capacity venue in the heart of downtown Columbia that was built in 1930. Before we go in to details on the above, it’s important to understand the history and significance of this place.
Throughout the years, it has been a major Southeast US tour stop for some incredible musical acts – from Elvis Presley, and James Brown, to John Legend, Band of Horses and The Avett Brothers.
Thanks to our friends at The Township, we will be offering free tickets to shows that are not at capacity, to our students and our teachers! What an amazing gift and opportunity this is; and we are so, so excited to offer this as a perk to our Freeway Family members. These will most likely be offered the day of or the day before showtime; so just keep your eyes and ears peeled for what’s coming through town!
Also, though this is quite the generous offer from The Township, please consider purchasing tickets here for shows that you really would like to see and for the best seat options. Check out their website for additional information as well.
Last, but not least, we are also in discussion with them about a potential showcase opportunity for our students to play on The Township Stage. This would be the largest scale venue our students have performed in, and it would no doubt be an incredible experience! We will keep you posted. 🙂