Maximize your potential by studying with the hardest working musicians in the area. Our music instructors are passionate about music, and eager to share that with their students. We hand select music instructors that are personable, professional, and the absolute best performers in town. Our students get to enjoy amazing opportunities because our instructors are so involved in the community and music scene. We have teachers that are in popular local bands, directors of piano festivals, members of philharmonics, and much more! We also have the most versatile staff of music instructors in the state. Whether jazz, rock, pop, country, classical, songwriting, or R&B, Freeway Music has an instructor perfect for you!
Campbell McEntire

Vira Adams

Seth Boone

Dr. Verena Abufaiad

Michael Atwater

Eniko Balazs

Kirk Barnes

Emily Bell

Ben Beam

Danielle Blood

Dr. Michaela Boros

John Branham

Charles Burrows

Ben Campbell

Idris Chandler

Olivia G.B. Colomaio

Brian Conner

Rachel Cousino

Michael Crawford

Collin Danker

Toby Demidzic

Allwyn Edwards

Tyler Elliott

Charles Funk

Michael Gutshall

Adrian Gonzalez

Jim Graddick

Jacobi Gunter

Rodney Foster

Adam Haltiwanger

Zandra Harring

Bobby Hatfield

Walter Hemingway

Heather Hinson

Blake Hunter

Dr. Lady Imperio

Jackson Kemp

Renee Laine

A.J. Lang

Tony Lee

Katie Leitner

Niles Lewis

David Longton

Andrew McDonald

Brad Mclane

Drew Medlin

Heyward White

Tony Opus

Jeff Pitts

Dr. Almond Ponge

Brodie Porterfield

Kelley Porterfield

Stuart Ray

Michael Reid

Desirée Richardson

Wennie Rodriguez

Julia Rossi Cudd

Don Russo

Sara-Ann Russo

Geoff Shackley

Jessica Sims

Jerry Sims

Jerry Stevenson

Paisley Suttlemyre

Ross Swinson

Aaron Terrapin

Gregory Vance

Ruxi Wang

Jared Wise

Boran Zhao